Monday, August 22, 2005

"In God we Trust"

Again, I couldn't think of a name to call the title, then I noticed a nickel next to the keyboard, so yeah.

Anyway, we went to the school's open house today. Met the teachers and such. It seems cool. Had to get our pictures taken for our school ID. Oh-- and I got the first locker on the left, down stairs. xD So that's easy to remember. =D Still will get lost and stuff, of course. Because of all the forgetting. But I'll write things down and such. I think I should start writing on my arm or something. xD That way I'll remember easier. =[]

After that we went to Arbys. It wasn't all that great because I got food stuck in my throat or whatever, between my nose and mouth. I hate it when that happens, but it seems to be better now. xD Pretty dumb, huh? One time I was eating nerds upside down on my sister's other bed, at our old house. And a nerd got stuck. It felt like it was in my nose. xP It never came out, but it felt better after a long while. It was just sugar and such, so-- it probably just melted or something. xD So yeah! That was stupid, too. Oh, that reminds me that sometimes when I'm eating or drinking, liquid stuff comes out of my ear. =O Weird. xP

Anyway! --One thing I think is pretty cool about school is that I get to read whatever book I want in one of the classes. ^^ So I can take one of my Charlie Bone books! Oh-- and in a message board I go to now and then, a person who e-mailed the writer said that she, Jenny Nimmo, is going to post there if she can find the site. Isn't that cool? She e-mailed the person telling him that she is going to write 5 more Children of the Red King(Charlie Bone) books. The next one we thought would be the last, but I guess she decided to keep going. ^^ So-- she is going to write 3 more of the books, and then one about the ten children of the Red King, and the a book about Uncle Paton's childhood. Yay! Paton is one of my favorite characters.


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